
“Oh, Milo!” I cried out when my cat leaped on me as I was about to drink my coffee my husband had made for me. She has been getting a lot in my way lately and knocking things out of my hand, particularly when I was trying to eat something. I didn’t know what had happened to her, but she was behaving wild. Milo seemed to have despised William, my fiance, constantly hissing and dismissive of him, as though he had done wrong. I assumed it was only that Milo wasn’t used to him yet, because she wasn’t a very friendly cat. Grabbing a paper towel, I wiped up the mess and made a second cup of coffee for myself. 

It was a humid Friday night in October with little wind. William offered to bake a pumpkin pie for dessert which was surprising since he always let me bake the sweets. 

“Are you sure you know how to? I could teach you if you want for next time.” I suggested showing him how to make one first since he had never made a pie before.

“No don’t worry about it, dear. I have seen a video and got some advice from my colleagues at work. I will be fine, just go rest and I will let you know when it is ready.”

“Alright but if you need any help don’t hesitate to ask. A little advice, just try not to burn the house down,” we chuckled and I stepped into the living room, turning on the television. I called for Milo but she did not appear so I let her be, hoping that she was finally trying to make a better bond with William. An hour passed and I heard intense meowing and hissing. William walked into the living room holding Milo and put her down beside me. 

“Sorry but she keeps getting in my way and won’t let me finish,” William looked at Milo for a few seconds before saying, “bad cat,” and heading back into the kitchen. 

“Oh, Milo. Why are you behaving like this? You know you’re better than this so act like it.” I sighed and continued to watch my show.   A couple of hours had passed, and I appeared to have been passed out on the sofa with Milo. We both jumped at a sudden beeping noise coming from the kitchen, only to find that it was just William’s alarm on the pumpkin pie. Standing up, I went to the bathroom to wash my face and then made my way to the kitchen table where William was already sitting.

“You’re awake!” William was startled, not noticing we had woken up. “You seemed to have been in a deep sleep so I didn’t want to wake you.”

“That’s pretty thoughtful of you, William,” I replied, grinning. “Well, I’m up now and ready for that pumpkin pie.” I pulled out a chair and put Milo’s bowl on the floor next to me, filling it with last night’s tuna leftover.

“I want you to have the first bite and tell me how it is.” William sliced a piece and handed it to me on a styrofoam plate. As I was about to take a bite, Milo sprung onto me and then hopped on the table, causing me to drop my bite and the whole pie on the floor.

“Milo! What has gotten into you? You’re crazy!” I took a napkin and cleaned up the pie from my shirt. “That’s enough. I don’t know what has gotten into you but I’m taking you to the shelter. William, grab the keys and meet me in the car.” 

“Are you sure you want to do this?” William asked as I drove us to the shelter.

“Yes, I have made my mind. She’s deranged and needs help. I can’t take care of her anymore so she needs to go.” Milo was whimpering and meowing nonstop when I grabbed her. I didn’t have a choice and needed to get rid of her immediately before she had gone totally insane. For the last time, I stared into her imploring eyes before dropping her off at the shelter. Her meows and purrs became quieter as I headed back to the car. I sighed and started driving back home.

The ride back home was awfully quiet and dim. When we arrived home, I headed straight to bed to try and get my mind off of what happened tonight. I switched the lamp off and closed my eyes, and I was asleep before I knew it.

The next morning was rainy and I had no intention of heading outside for the day. William had made me a cup of coffee as he did every morning, except this time I was actually able to drink it without Milo interrupting me. The thought of her made me miss her but I did what I had to do last night. 

I took a sip of the coffee and suddenly began choking. I fell to the ground and had a hard time breathing. “William!” I tried shouting but my voice was hoarse. Luckily, I heard footsteps running towards me. “H-help me. I c-can’t breathe.” I couldn’t talk and kept stuttering.

“Hahahaha. Finally, after many days, it worked.” Why was William laughing? What was he talking about? I turned my head to face him and looked at him in confusion. 

“Please help,” I tried my best to get the words out of my mouth but it hurt. 

“That cat made it hard for me. I’ve come so close to poisoning you all these days. First of all, I tried it in your coffees, but that stupid cat kept getting in the way. I put it in the pie last night, too, but, of course, the cat still spoiled the idea. Thanks to you for taking her away it finally worked.” He picked me up and put me on the couch before heading out of the living room. 

Milo has been trying to help me? Realization dawned on me that every time she kicked the coffee or food out of my hand, it was because she was trying to stop me from being poisoned. Sending her away was the worst thing I could do, and I was overwhelmed with remorse. I was helpless now and knew I was going to die. My insides were burning and I could not move. Soon, everything felt numb and I laid there, accepting the fact that I was not going to make it. Milo was just trying to save my life and I just sent her away with no hesitation. I felt tears stream down my face and I could not do anything. I laid there, knowing that I was going to die being filled with regret over an innocent animal who was just trying to help. I knew I could not do anything anymore so I closed my eyes and accepted the end of time.





what is love?

is it a placebic feeling 

that one gets when

they smile thinking about him?

is it the feeling one gets

when he’s trapped in your mind 24/7?

is it the headache you get from

being so in love that you forget?

forget about everything around you?

forget about yourself?

it’s like you get lost in this kind of parallel universe

that revolves around only you and him

and all the fantasies become real.

your imagination soon becomes reality,

but only for a moment

until you come back to the realization

that it was all in your head,

that you’ll never get a chance

because he was never real.


what is it exactly?


For this poem, I challenged myself to think of a word and just write about it without stopping until I finish. For the most part, this poem is unedited and each line is the first thing that came into my mind as I was writing. The lines, “it’s like you get lost in this kind of parallel universe…your imagination soon becomes reality,” describe how when you’re so in love, you tend to forget about everything around you and get lost in a sensational feeling. The lines, “ that you’ll never get a chance because he was never real,” mean that the person you think of in your head is different from who they actually are. We create a version of them that we feel is ideal but it isn’t actually them in reality, most of the time. I chose love as the topic of my poem because sometimes, the concept of it can be confusing to understand, which is why I referred to it as a “placebic feeling,” because is it just something you want and force yourself to feel? Or is it a genuine feeling someone gets because of a certain someone?


Hell: A Second Reality

“Corey! Corey stay with me,” were the last words I heard from my mother before the heart monitor went flat. I wasn’t entirely sure what had just happened but I was aware that I was not in the hospital anymore. I stood up and felt lighter than I usually was. Suddenly, I fell back down, screaming in pain. Scorching hot heat hit me and I could no longer move or feel. I was aching, everything started hurting. The heat licked my face and brushed against me. I was losing my senses and could feel my whole body tingling. Groaning and shouting as I attempted to sit up, I could feel the burning sensation in my fingertips. I began coughing and my chest burned from the smoky, cloudy pocket of air I must have heaved in. My body felt numb and I was in excruciating pain; my head hurt and my shoulder blades felt like actual blades. Sitting up against a metal pole, I gazed into the eyes of a man who was standing in front of me. His hair was slicked back and he was wearing all black. His inhuman face portrayed a huge grin that stretched over his face and he had big, beady black eyes that reflected my small, helpless self. “Welcome to hell,” he said in a raspy voice. I felt something pick me up and seconds later, I blacked out.

I became conscious again and found myself on a bed in an unfamiliar place. The tall figure was standing beside me again. “Where am I? Who are you,” I asked. I started panicking and tried to run away but I was still weak from before and fell back down. My memory was vague and I was trying to remember what happened before I passed out and how I got here.

“You’re in hell. Welcome, I’m Dean. This is our pandemonium,” answered the man. Hell? Am I dead? “I’m a demon, and so are you now.” But why hell? I have lived a very good life and could not find a reason for me to be here. The man, or demon I suppose, kept talking to me but I seemed to be inattentive. I heard my mother’s faint voice talking to me but it was probably all in my head. Several thoughts rushed through my mind and were distracting me from paying attention. I wanted to ask more questions but I could not find the right words and kept rambling on. Dean just stood there listening to me blather until I asked why I was here if I was not supposed to be.

“Oh Corey,” he chuckled and rested his hand on my head. “You’re not being punished,” he said, “you are the punishment. Follow me, I will introduce you to some other demons.” I followed him outside and saw two more demons waiting who looked around my age. “This is Scooby and Jaiden. They are also punishers and will walk you through what to do. Anyway, I have got to go. Have fun torturing murderers!” Torturing? I did not want to be here in the first place and now I have to torture people? I figured this was all a dream but it felt too real to just be in my imagination.

Scooby and Jaiden explained what I was assigned to do to all those who have sinned. They gave me the first victim and watched me do what I was told: to drown them in the pit of lava. They implored mercy and apologized countless times but I had no choice. I shut my eyes and quickly pushed them in, hearing the screams slowly fade away.

“You did good,” said Scooby as they walked away. I heard my mother’s voice again in the distance but I could not make out what she was saying. I ignored it, thinking it was my mind playing tricks.

Several days passed and I seemed to have gotten better at punishing those who deserved it. Watching them beg for their life was like watching a baby throw a tantrum after you stole their candy. It brought me pleasure and I realized I was not my old self anymore. That evening, I went over to Scooby and Jaiden’s so we could discuss more torturing methods. As soon as I got up to leave, I felt dizzy. My vision started getting blurry and my head started burning. Lying on the floor, I groaned in pain. It was like something possessed me and took control of my body but then I blacked out, again.

I woke up and found myself back in the hospital room that I was in before I died, or so I thought. My mother was sitting on a chair beside the bed and turned her head once she saw I was awake. I was confused. Was I not just dead? “Mom,” I whispered but I seemed to have lost my voice. 

“Oh, honey. You have been in a coma for the past week. I was afraid you were not going to make it.” A coma? There is no way that that was not real. This had to be a mistake. Maybe I got sent back to life but as a demon to punish those who are currently sinning. None of this made sense and I wanted to go home.

As I was heading home, my head was slouched against the window and I was looking outside, trying to process everything that happened. In the distance, I saw someone that looked familiar. As we approached him, it looked like an apparition of Dean. He wore the same grin and had the same eyes. I rolled down my window to see more clearly and he turned his head in my direction. “Ah, the punisher,” he mumbled and winked at me before walking off and disappearing into the crowd.
